A short-term trading strategy that capitalizes on price changes during the day (trading session). Differently stated, scalping the market involves...
The offer to sell to the public a large amount of stock obtained from other than a public offering (such...
A market situation that occurs when short sellers, panicked because of rising prices, attempt to buy back the shares they...
A market in which there are more potential sellers than buyers, i.e., supply is greater than demand, and as a...
The effect that arises from the activation of stop orders in a declining or advancing market, leading to further downward...
An order that allows traders/ investors to pursue a more aggressive price than the National Best Bid and Offer (NBBO)....
An order that allows traders/ investors to pursue a more aggressive price than the National Best Bid and Offer (NBBO)....
A market anomaly (more specifically, a pocket of market inefficiency in the stock market) that results mainly from the lack...
The markup that is charged on odd-lot purchases or the markdown that is taken out on odd-lot sales as a...
A market sentiment indicator that relates odd-lot sales to odd lot purchases: Odd-lot balance index = odd-lot sales / odd-lot...