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Block Order

An order that is placed or posted for a sale or purchase of a large number of securities in one...

Independent Crossing Network

A crossing network that is independent from exchanges and financial institutions. It is mainly held by public investors or which...

Day Order

An order that is posted for execution only during the same trading day or session in which is submitted to...

Delayed Quote

Contrary to a streaming quote/ real time quote, it is a quote for a tradable security (e.g., a stock) that...

Discount Broker

A firm or individual (broker/ stockbroker) that facilitates securities trading at reduced costs (a discount) compared to a full-service broker....

Downtick Volume

The trading volume that occurs on downticks. In other words, it refers to the trading volume when stock prices decrease,...

Discount Brokerage

A firm (brokerage/ stockbroker) that facilitates securities trading at reduced costs (a discount) compared to a full-service broker. However, its...


A trade price that is lower than the immediately prior trade price. It constitutes a trade (tick) at a smaller...

Good Until Cancelled Order

An order (placed to buy or sell securities) that remains on the books until it is either executed or cancelled...

Good Til Cancelled Order

An order (placed to buy or sell securities) that remains on the books until it is either executed or cancelled...