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A process or strategy that is applied to investments for the purpose of lowering the overall risk involved. Diversification revolves...


It stands for local capital asset pricing model; a capital asset pricing model (CAPM) that is premised on that investors hold...

Diversification Swap

A bond swap that aims to diversify a portfolio by bond type, sector, or geographic region (country-wise, region-wise, etc.). For...

Construction Leverage

The ratio of the risk associated with a portfolio construction to the gross risk: A portfolio’s construction risk refers to...

Risk Parity

An investment strategy that hinges on the so-called risk allocation (rather than capital allocation) whereby investors target predefined levels of...

Domestic CAPM

A capital asset pricing model (CAPM) that is premised on that investors hold only the assets of a specific country (usually where...

Local CAPM

A capital asset pricing model (CAPM) that is premised on that investors hold only the assets of a specific country (usually where...