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Derivative Instrument

A financial instrument that entails certain rights or obligations to its parties, and whose value is derived from an underlying...

Convex Payoff

A payoff (of some derivative instrument) whose amount is a convex function of the value of the underlying instrument. Generally,…

Financial Instrument

Broadly speaking, an instrument is a physical or electronic document that bears an intrinsic financial or monetary value or is...


Broadly speaking, an instrument is a physical or electronic document that bears an intrinsic financial or monetary value or is...

Power Contract

A simple derivative instrument that pays at maturity the ratio of its underlying price/ rate to its strike level, with...


An option which is added to another instrument as a right to exercise in relation to that instrument. However, embeddos,...

Embedded Derivative

A derivative instrument that is attached to a financial instrument in combination with a host contract. The combination of a...

Hybrid Security

A combination of a debt instrument and a derivative instrument such as equity option, equity swap, currency forward, currency futures,...

Equity Instrument

Any financial instrument that confers on its holder a residual interest in the net assets of an entity (its assets...

Credit Derivative

A negotiable contract between two parties (bilateral always) that allows them to manage their credit risk by using a derivative...