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Arabic (مدين) for debtor; a party (legal or natural) that owes an amount of money (in whatever form, including economic...


The pledging of an asset or property by a borrower to secure a bank loan, where a lender has the...

Bay al-Dayn

Arabic (بيع الدين) for sale of debt. It denotes the sale of debt securities, debt certificates (commercial papers), or receivables...

Ba’i al-Dain

Arabic (بيع الدين) for sale of debt. It denotes the sale of debt securities, debt certificates (commercial papers), or receivables...


The act or process of taking on or assuming (incurring) a debt/ liability. It also refers to incurring costs: incurred...

Zero-Coupon Instrument

A debt instrument that promises investors (holders/ buyers) a single fixed payment on a preset future date. In other words,...

Wedding Warrant

A warrant which protects the issuer from a potential increase of its outstanding debt above the initial level, in the...


Arabic (خلطة) for mixing (pooling) of a number of shari'ah-compliant asset classes in securitization (tasnid/ taskik) or capital structure. Examples of khultah in securitization include...


Arabic (خلطة) for mixing (pooling) of a number of shari'ah-compliant asset classes in securitization (tasnid/ taskik) or capital structure. Examples of khultah in securitization include...

Hybrid Financial Instrument

A financial instrument that is embedded with certain types of derivatives (embedded derivatives). The instrument plays host to the embedded...