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Deal Flow

The rate of new deals that come in to the investment banking unit of a brokerage firm (broker), including proposals...

Bought Deal

A firm commitment by an underwriter (investment bank) to buy, at a fixed price, all of the shares offered by...

Sticky Deal

An initial public offering (IPO) issue/ deal that the underwriter cannot sell easily. IPO deals become sticky when the issuer...

Broken Date Deal

A deal involving a derivative contract whose maturity date is not associated with a standard maturity (reference point). Banks usually...

Odd Date Deal

A deal involving a derivative contract whose maturity date is not associated with a standard maturity (reference point). Banks usually...

Cram-Down Deal

In the context of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) or leveraged buyouts (LBOs), it is a deal in which a party...

Below The Bar

The minimum size (bar) of a deal that a investment bank will accept to handle. The bar can be based...