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Named Contract

A class of contracts to which shari’ah has assigned specific names and handled in details their respective rules and stipulations....

Nominate Contract

A class of contracts to which shari’ah has assigned specific names and handled in details their respective rules and stipulations....

Uqud al-Muawadhat

Arabic (عقود المعاوضات) for commutative contracts (contracts of exchange). A type of contracts (uqud- plural of aqd) whereby ownership is...

Uqud al-Hifz

Arabic (عقود الحفظ) for a category of contracts (uqud/ aqd) that are designed for protection or safeguarding of property (mal)....

Uqud Musammat

A class of contracts to which shari’a has assigned specific names and handled in details their respective rules and stipulations....

Uqud al-Itlaqat

Arabic (عقود الإطلاقات) for contracts (uqud- plural of aqd) that involves removal of restrictions to disposal or conduct. These contracts...

Log Contract

An exotic option (specifically a single-payout option) that makes payments based on the logarithm of the price of its underlying...

Uqud al-Ishtirak

Arabic (عقود الإشتراك) for contracts (uqud- plural of aqd) that entail sharing in ventures/ businesses and profits (ribh) through specific...

Spot Deferred Contract

A forward contract that grants the seller the option to defer delivery to a specific date in the future rather...

Unrestricted Wakalah

An agency contract (aqd al-wakalah) in which the principal (muwakkel) does not place any restrictions on the acts or discretion...