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Iron Condor

A low risk, non-directional options strategy that aims at making a limited profit at a large probability level when the...


In option parlance, a condor is a variation on a butterfly option, in which the two short options (sold options)…

Long Gut Iron Condor

A gut iron condor spread which is constructed by buying one call at the lowest strike, selling one call at...

Condor Spread

A neutral option strategy that aims at making profit from taking positions on stagnant or bound-range stocks. It resembles the...

Short Call Condor

A neutral option strategy that is based on four legs involving selling a low strike call, buying two middle strike...

Long Condor

A neutral (risk-limited and reward-limited) option trading strategy which builds on the long butterfly strategy, and whereby a long butterfly...

Reverse Iron Condor

An iron condor that is typically established by buying a lower strike out-of-the-money put option, selling even lower strike out-of-the-money...

Short Gut Iron Condor

A gut iron condor spread which is constructed by selling one call at the lowest strike, buying one call at...

Short Condor

A neutral (risk-limited and reward-limited) option trading strategy which builds on the short butterfly strategy, and whereby a short butterfly...

Structured Option

An option that is artificially constructed by combining (buying and selling) other options simultaneously. This option can lower the high...