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Negotiable Instrument

A written instrument which is signed by its maker (the drawer) and contains an unconditional promise or order to pay...

Roly-Poly CD

Colloquial for rollover CD; a short-term certificate of deposit (CD), usually with a 6-month maturity, where the issuer reissues or...

Foreign Currency Certificate of Deposit

A certificate of deposit (CD) that is issued or denominated in a foreign currency or a basket of foreign currencies (a currency/...

Foreign Currency CD

A certificate of deposit (CD) that is issued or denominated in a foreign currency or a basket of foreign currencies (a currency/...


It is an acronym for London Interbank Offered Rate. It is an interbank rate which is used as a benchmark or...

Market-Linked CD

A certificate of deposit (CD) that is linked to the performance of some market variable, specifically the price of a stock or a basket of...

Zero-Coupon Certificate of Deposit

A certificate of deposit (CD) that can be purchased at a deep discount to its par value. At maturity, its holder can...

Zero-Coupon CD

A certificate of deposit (CD) that can be purchased at a deep discount to its par value. At maturity, its holder can...

Add-on Interest

A term synonym with add-on yield; in general, it refers to interest that is paid at the maturity date of...

Add-on Yield

In general, it refers to interest that is paid at the maturity date of a loan when the borrower repays the lender...