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Ba’i al-Majhul

A type of ba’i al-gharar in which the object of sale or the price (thaman) is unknown/ unspecified, or in...

Bay’ Najiz

Arabic (بيع ناجز) for a sale (bay') in which the price of the object of sale or underlying is paid...

Ba’i Najiz

Arabic (بيع ناجز) for a sale (ba'i) in which the price of the object of sale or underlying is paid...

Ba’i al-Ayn bil Ayn

A mode of trading (mutajarah) which involves the exchange of one asset for another without resorting to a medium of exchange (i.e.,...

Ba’i al-Mustarsil

A case of sale (ba’i) in which the buyer doesn’t haggle over the price (i.e., takes it as a given)....


In the context of selling (al-ba'i or al-bay'- البيع), al-ribh (in Arabic script: الربح) refers to the difference resulting from selling products and services...

Istisna Profit Margin

In connection with istisna', it is the difference between the cash price of the underlying (al-masnoo', the asset or al-ayn to be...

Istisna’a Profit Margin

In connection with istisna'a, it is the difference between the cash price of the underlying (al-masnoo', the asset or al-ayn to be...

Sale Under Duress

In the lexicon of Islamic finance, it is English for ba'i al-mudtarr. By definition, it is a type of sale (ba'i)...


A type of sale (ba'i or bay') in which the price (thaman) is set equal to the original acquisition price (i.e., cost...