A transaction whereby a person buys an asset/commodity from a seller on the basis of deferred payment, and sells it...
A type of sale (ba’i) that involves the exchange of fresh fruits for dry ones, where the quantity of the...
A type of sale (ba’i) that was particularly popular in the days of early Islam and pre-Islam, where the buyer...
A type of sale (bay') that involves the exchange of one commodity for another without using a medium of exchange...
A type of sale (ba'i) in which the object of sale is not available at the contracting session (majlis al-aqd)...
Tawarruq is an Arabic word that literally means minted silver (al-wariq) or the act whereby some person seeks silver money....
A mode of trading (mutajarah) which involves the exchange of one asset for another without resorting to a medium of...
Arabic (بيع النسيئة) for a type of sale on credit (ba'i ajel) in which the price (thaman) is paid in...
Arabic (بيع الغرر) for aleatory sale transactions or sales with uncertain outcome. In other words, it is the sale of...
The sale of a monetary amount (thaman or naqd) in exchange for another monetary amount (thaman or naqd). More specifically,...