From the Arabic term "ba'i al-istighlal". According to latter-day Hanafi scholars, it is a type of sale (ba’i) in which...
An agreement (ijarah) that incorporates the sale of the leased asset (in an ijarah contract) at the end of the...
English for ba'i al-inah (also ba'i al-einah); a contract that involves the sale and buy back of an object (commodity,...
Arabic (بيع وشرط) for “sale with a condition”. Technically, it refers to a sale contract (aqd al-ba'i) in which an...
A type of sale (ba'i) which is effected using down payment or advance money (arboon- عربون) with the condition that...
In Islamic finance, it is a contract (of ba'i or bay') whereby a supplier agrees to deliver a specific commodity/...
A type of sale (bay’), in Arabic script بيع المزابنة, that involves the exchange of fresh fruits for dry ones,...
Tawarruq is an Arabic word (تورق) that literally means minted silver (al-wariq) or the act whereby some person seeks silver...
A sale (bay') in which both payment and delivery are deferred. In other words, it is the sale of a...
The uncommissioned agent or al-fodhouli (also spelled al-fodooli/ al-fuduli) is a person who intervenes or interferes in others' affairs without...