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Basis Point Upfront

A measure of basis points as absolute spread or return. For example, if the expected carry for a swap (carry...

Basis Point Running

A measure of basis points as relative spread or return that would make the carry disappear. In other words, it...

Basis Point Value of a Swap

The basis point value (BPV) of a swap is the amount by which the swap's value changes in response to...

Notional Value

The nominal value that is used to calculate swap payments. For example, in an interest rate swap, each period's interest rates are...


A bond that pays a coupon below market floating rate but allows the issuer, thanks to an embedded Bermudan swaption,...


It stands for dollar value of one basis point; DV01 captures the effect of a one-basis movement in interest rates...

Risky PVBP

With respect to credit default swaps (CDS), it is the credit exposure of the swap at a given point in...

Bond Points

A bond point is worth $10; it is a unit of measure for bond prices that is set at $10...


A basis point (bps or BP) is 0.01 percentage point and equals $1,000 annually on a contract protecting $10 million...


A basis point (bps) is 0.01 percentage point and equals $1,000 annually on a contract protecting $10 million of debt...