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Loan Sharking

The practice of lending money to desperate people at unfairly high interest rates. More specifically, loan sharking involves charging interest...

Size Transformation

A type of transformation that is performed by banks and other depositary institutions whereby small deposits by different types of depositors are...

Risk Transformation

A type of transformation that is performed by banks and other depositary institutions whereby the risks associated with deposits and loans...


The process whereby a bank capitalizes on some sort of mismatch between its assets and liabilities. In other words, this involves a bank’s attempt to...

Liquidity Transformation

A type of transformation that involves the use of short-term debts like deposits to finance long-term investments like loans. In other words, it is an intermediation process...

Maturity Transformation

A type of transformation whereby a bank or any similar institutions takes advantage of the upward slope of the yield...

Credit Allocation

The financing (credit) which a bank or financial institution (FI) provides for particular sectors of the economy, such as small...

Self-Liquidating Loan

A short-term loan that is extended by a bank to a customer or business so that it is used to...

Financial Promotion

An effort which is exerted by a bank or financial institution in order to promote business or products. Financial promotions...

Flight To Liquidity

A reallocation tactic whereby banks restructure and rebalance their portfolios toward cash reserves and more liquid investments, especially in fixed-income...