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Intraday Liquidity Risk

A type of risk that arises in relation to an entity's intraday liquidity. For a bank or financial institution (or...

Intraday Liquidity

All the funds that are available and can be accessed during a business day so that financial institutions (such as…

Home Banking

A method of banking service provision whereby retail customers of a bank/ financial institution can avail offered services and facilities...

Access Product

A payment instrument that allows a bank's customers to access their deposit accounts and to transfer deposited funds in and...

Ancillary Capital

A layer of capital (for a bank or financial institution) that consists of junior debt (more subordinated, and with quality...

Tertiary Capital

A layer of capital (for a bank or financial institution) that consists of junior debt (more subordinated, and with quality...

Tier-3 Capital

A layer of capital (for a bank or financial institution) that consists of junior debt (more subordinated, and with quality...

Normative Equity

A measure of a bank's equity that is considered at or within standard level(s) as per specific norms (such as...


It stands for depositary receipt; a negotiable certificate that issued by a bank or similar financial institution (depositary) representing shares...

Depositary Receipt

A negotiable certificate that issued by a bank or similar financial institution (depositary) representing shares of stock in a foreign...