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Bank Deposit

An amount of money (in whatever form: cash, check, draft, wire transfer, etc.) that is placed with a bank or...

Overnight Deposit

A bank deposit that carries a very short term (which is the shortest amongst deposit maturities) lasting from one calendar...

Overnight Reverse Repo Rate

An overnight interest rate (overnight repo) that is set by a central bank, at which to borrow money from non-bank...


A line of credit (L/C, LOC) that is extended to a client with assets (securities)- eligible securities- that can be...

Securities-Based Line of Credit

A line of credit (L/C) that is extended to a client with assets (securities)- eligible securities- that can be posted...

Agency Debt Security

A debt security that is issued or guaranteed by a government agency or a government sponsored entity. It might also...

Agency Debt

A debt that is issued or guaranteed by a government agency or a government sponsored entity. It might also be...

Permanent Open Market Operation

An open market operation (OMO) that involves outright purchases or sales of securities (eligible securities) by a central bank for...


An acronym for permanent open market operation; an open market operation (OMO) that involves outright purchases or sales of securities...

Permanent OMO

An open market operation (OMO) that involves outright purchases or sales of securities (eligible securities) by a central bank for...