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Ba’i Bil Nasi’ah

A credit sale which has a fixed term at the end of which the buyer has to pay the agreed…

Ba’i al-Salaf 

Also ba'i al-salam. In Islamic finance, it refers to a type of sale in which payment for future-delivery goods is...

Ba’i al-Mawquf 

A type of sale (ba’i) which is lawful in substance and description but is concluded by, or with the intervention/consent…

Ba’i al-Isti’man

A case of sale (ba’i) in which the buyer doesn’t haggle over the price (i.e., takes it as a given).…

Principal Contract

A contract (aqd) which exists by itself and is not subordinate or auxiliary to another contract (i.e., an accessory contract).…


Arabic (محاباة) for deference in a transaction. More specifically, it means a favor extended in an exchange-based transaction, either by…

Promise To Sell

English for al-wa’ad bil ba’i/ bai’/ bay’ (الوعد بالبيع). It is usually embedded in exchange-based contracts (uqud al-mua’wadhah) such as…

Haqq al-Shufa’ah

A contingent right (haqq) that comes into effect properties when are offered for sale. Specifically, it refers to the right…


An Arabic word that carries the meaning of pretext, ploy, ruse, alleged reason, means, and so on. In Arabic script,…

Bai’ Batil

Arabic (بيع باطل) for void sale (void contract/ transaction of sale). It is a type of ba'i (belonging to the...