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Ba’i Al-Ghayib

A type of sale (ba’i) in which the object of sale is not available at the contracting session (majlis al-aqd)…

Ba’i al-Barnamaj

Arabic (بيع البرنامج) for a wholesale trade that involves the sale (ba’i) of the units of a fungible commodity or…

Ostensible Sale

A type of sale (ba’i) in which a lender sells a commodity to a borrower for more than its market…

Optional Sale

From the Arabic term “bai al-ikhtiyar“. According to Malikis, it is a sale (ba’i) in which the buyer has the…

Commissioned Manufacture

Also istisna’a in Arabic. It is a special kind of the contract of sale (bai’) in which the underlying commodity…

Bay’ al-Bara’ah

Arabic (بيع البراءة) for sale on ‘as is’ basis. It is a contract of sale (bay’), in which a person…

Ba’i al-Khiyar

Arabic (بيع الخيار) for a contract of sale (ba’i) that is embedded with an option (khiyar), granting either party the...

Ba’i al-Taljiah

A type of fictitious sale (ba’i souri) which is made to serve a temporary purpose. In ba’i al-talji’ah the seller…

Ba’i al-Munajashah

Arabic (بيع المناجشة) for a type of impermissible sale (ba’i muharram) whereby a person (fake bidder/ ghost bidder/ phantom bidder)…


In the context of selling (ba’i or bay‘- البيع), ribh (in Arabic script: ربح) refers to the difference resulting from…