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Ba’i al-Salaf 

Also ba'i al-salam. In Islamic finance, it refers to a type of sale in which payment for future-delivery goods is...


The sale of a monetary amount in exchange for another monetary amount. More specifically, it is the exchange of one...


Plural form of the Arabic term "thaman"; the price or monetary amount of an object of sale (tangible like commodities...


The price or monetary amount of an object of sale (tangible like commodities or intangible like services), i.e., what is...

Ba’i al-Athman

A sale (ba'i) contract that involves the exchange of a monetary item (gold, silver, currency) for another monetary item, or...

Ba’i al-Sarf

A sale (ba'i) contract that involves the exchange of a monetary item (gold, silver, currency) for another monetary item. In...