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Normal Backwardation

The relationship between the spot price and the expected future spot price whereby the futures price (in a commodity futures...


A pricing structure in securities, foreign currencies and commodities trading wherein the prices of far future deliveries exceed those of...

Flat Rate Forward

A forward contract/ futures contract that has a flat/ constant contango over the course of its lifespan. Contango occurs when...

Forward Backwardation

A situation of backwardation in which a specific period is “squeezed”, i.e., characterized by forced, not normal, trading. This usually...


A pricing structure in securities, foreign currencies and commodities trading wherein the prices of near future deliveries exceed those of...

Backwardation Swap

A commodity swap in which two counterparties exchange cash flows based on two prices: the sport price and the future...

Forward Contract

An over-the-counter (OTC) contract that obliges its holder to buy or sell a specific asset for a predetermined delivery price...

Expected Spot Price

The market’s average opinion about what the spot price of an asset will be at a specific time in the...