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Charitable Waqf

A type of waqf whose proceeds are used to serve a specific group of individuals (beneficiaries) such as students, travelers...


In Islamic finance, ghallat/ ghallah (غلة) generally refers to any type of income produced by a factor of production (labor,...

Joint Waqf

Joint waqf (وقف مشترك) is a form of waqf (Islamic endowment) in which the assets (property) assigned as endowment are...

Self-Dedicated Waqf

Self-dedicated waqf (وقف على النفس) is a form of waqf (Islamic endowment) in which the income/ usufruct of the assets...

Zakat al-Waqf

Zakat, as a type of ibadah, is concerned with money, wealth or property. By definition, it is an amount of...


Waqf (وقف), as a subject-matter, is an income-generating property or a functional asset whose usufruct is assigned by the owner...