A path-dependent option whose payoff, at the time of exercise or expiration, does not depend much on the price events...
An American option contract which gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to sell an underlying asset at...
The spread that forms when an investor/trader holds position in a European option and a corresponding American option. This options...
The expected time to exercise an American option. It also refers to the probability of early exercise on an American option. In other...
A variant on American option, and a perpetual lookback option without a predetermined expiration date (and hence the other name: perpetual American lookback option)....
An option that can be exercised on discrete dates before expiration, such as the first of every month. This option is similar...
The probability of early exercise on an American option. In other words, it refers to the amount of time that is left until...
A warrant representing American call options, that was issued outside Japan and traded over the market (OTC), denominated in many world currencies including the...