A contract (aqd) of a designated usufruct (manfa'ah) of a specified property/ asset/ labor or effort for a specified time...
A type of lease/ leasing that is compliant with shari'ah. It is a contract (aqd) of a designated usufruct (manfa'ah)...
A contract (aqd) of a designated usufruct (manfa'ah) of a specified property/ asset/ labor or effort for a specified time...
A rent or wage amount or consideration (ajr) that is determined by an arbitrator or judge (if disputed), or with...
A type of ijarah (ijara) (Islamic lease) which transfers the ownership of usufruct/ manfaah (of a service or a bundle...
A type of ijarah (ijara) (Islamic lease) which transfers the ownership of usufruct/ manfaah (of a service or a bundle...
A type of ijarah (ijara) which transfers the ownership of usufruct/ manfaah (of a service or a bundle of service...
A type of ijarah (ijara) which transfers the ownership of usufruct/ manfaah (of a service or a bundle of service...
An Arabic term (عوض) that denotes compensation or remuneration. In the context of Islamic financial and commercial transactions, it refers...