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The determination of the amount due for payment under a policy of insurance. Insurance adjustment denotes the determination of the...


Adjustment has many meanings in multiple contexts. In relation to insurance, it is the determination of the amount due for...

Convexity Adjustment

One of three types of adjustments that should be made to the forward value of the underlying variable in a...

Risk Adjustment

The adjustment/ premium (compensation or additional return) that is sought by risk-averse market participants for being exposed to the uncertainty,...

Risk Premium

The premium (compensation or additional return) that is sought by risk-averse market participants for being exposed to the uncertainty, engulfing,...


An abbreviation for debt valuation adjustment (debit value adjustment). A type of cross valuation adjustment/ x-value adjustment (XVA) that takes...

Debit Value Adjustment

It is a type of cross valuation adjustment/ x-value adjustment (XVA) that takes out the effects of changes in the...

Debit Valuation Adjustment

It is a type of cross valuation adjustment/ x-value adjustment (XVA) that takes out the effects of changes in the...


It stands for collateral value adjustment/ collateral valuation adjustment; the pricing adjustment made for a collateralized derivative. It represents the cost of...


It stands for collateral value adjustment/ collateral valuation adjustment; the pricing adjustment made for a collateralized derivative. It represents the cost of...