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Regulatory Adjustment

A set of adjustments that are made to a bank's regulatory capital (e.g., CET-1 capital) to account for the effect...

Regulatory Adjustments

A set of adjustments that are made to a bank's regulatory capital (e.g., CET-1 capital) to account for the effect...

Basis Point Adjustment

The process of changing the interest rate on the leg of a currency swap being paid by the end user...

Correcting Entry

A journal entry that is made in order to correct an accounting error. Correcting entries are an adjustment to an...

Catch-Up Adjustment

One of multiple ways of a management's intervention to correct an accounting error (particularly, immaterial error) that, rather than restating...

FV Adjustment

An accounting adjustment to the fair value (FV) of an item (an asset/ a liability) so that it is marked...

Fair Value Adjustment

An accounting adjustment to the fair value of an item (an asset/ a liability) so that it is marked to...

Experience Adjustment

Broadly, it constitutes a change in considerations or benefits under an insurance contract that are applicable to all relevant risk...

Collateral Value Adjustment

It is part of xVA (cross value adjustments); it refers to the pricing adjustment made for a collateralized derivative. It...

Bilateral Credit Valuation Adjustment

A type of cross valuation adjustment/ x-value adjustment (XVA) that takes out the effects of changes in the market value/...