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Nonroutine Transaction

A transaction (or a type of transaction) that occurs only on a time-to-time basis or periodically, but not as a...


An acronym for Islamic accepted bill; a bill of exchange which is drawn on or by a bank, payable at...


It stands for money market deposit account; a category of money market vehicles (MMV) that represents a savings account may...

Money Market Deposit Account

A category of money market vehicles (MMV) that represents a savings account may provide its holder with certain other privileges...

Nominal Ledger

The main place in which an entity's accounting transactions are recorded, specifically all non-personal accounts such as cash book, petty...

Loan Impairment Losses

Losses that reflect the expected or potential credit losses that may arise as to an entity's financial assets due to...

Impairment Loss Provision

A provision that is created for impairment losses arising from loans, receivables, and similar types of extended credit. Impairment losses...


An acronym for money market account; a category of money market vehicles (MMV) that represents a savings account may provide...

Money Market Account

A category of money market vehicles (MMV) that represents a savings account may provide its holder with certain other privileges...

Investment Account Holder

An individual/ entity that has deposited funds with an Islamic bank (IFI), via Shari'ah-compliant profit-sharing investment accounts that provide an...