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Initial Recognition of Financial Asset

In general, initial recognition is the recognition of an item (e.g., asset, expense, etc.) that would occur if an entity...

Permanent Account

A general ledger account (GL account) that does not close at the end of the accounting year (as opposed to...

Temporary Account

A type of account (a general ledger account/ GL account) that closes at the end of each accounting year. Basically,...

Nominal Account

A type of account (a general ledger account/ GL account) that closes at the end of each accounting year. Basically,...

Real Account

A general ledger account (GL account) that does not close at the end of the accounting year (as opposed to...

Personal Account

An account that, in contrast to impersonal accounts, is held for each of an entity's credit customers, suppliers, or other...

Impersonal Account

An account that is not held in the name of a certain person (natural or legal person). Such an account...

Cost Ledger Control Account

A control account that is maintained for the purpose of exercising control over the costing ledgers. It appears in the...

Cost Control Account

A control account that is maintained for the purpose of exercising control over the costing ledgers. It appears in the...

Wrap Account

An investment account for which a holder pays it cost in the form of a "wrapped" fee, covering all of...