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Islamic Finance

Takhreej Fiqhi

Broadly speaking, takhreej fiqhi (تخريج فقهي) it is the derivation of practical shari’a rulings and what leads thereto by examining the opinions and precepts of a given mazhab’s leading thinkers (imams). With respect to fiqh al-muaamalat, it is the juristic re-characterization of a contract or transaction (usually impermissible) in terms of another (usually permissible). Applying this methodology helps adapt conventional financial products to shari’a requirements.

By this procedure, scholars carry out their studies to bring out new rulings through one of three methods: takhreej of usul (fundamentals/ roots) from foru’ (secondary rules/ branches), takhreej of foru’ based on usul, and takhreej of foru’ by inference from foru’.

The last three decades have witnessed the modern rebirth of Islamic finance both in terms of literature and practice. Islamic banks and ...
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