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Islamic Finance


A distinct category of maslaha or human needs that refers to things and activities that refine and embellish people’s lives. Tahsiniyyat don’t primarily alleviate or relieve hardships and basic needs, but rather add elegance to life. Examples of tahsiniyyat elements include ornamentation, recreational activities, useful hobbies, decent enjoyments, etc. Such elements must not involve any types of unlawful luxuries, exaggerated lavishness and squandering. Shari’a treats unlawful luxuries or extravagances as prohibitions. Therefore, Islam gives precedence to satisfaction of necessities over conveniences and embellishments.

Tahsiniyyat (pl. of tahseen) is an Arabic term that denotes “refinements”, “embellishments”, or “luxuries”.

The last three decades have witnessed the modern rebirth of Islamic finance both in terms of literature and practice. Islamic banks and ...
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