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Islamic Finance


A distinct category of maslahah or human needs that comprises all things and activities that are not key to the preservation of faith (religion), life, intellect, offspring, and property (wealth), but are necessary to alleviate life’s hardships and difficulties. That is, though a person can do without hajiyyat, but that will make his daily life much harder to get by. Examples of hajiyyat include economic activities, communications, transportation, etc. Shari’ah validated specific types of contracts such as salam and ijarah because people need such contractual arrangements to satisfy their needs of financing (in the case of salam) and residential places and offices (in the case of ijarah).

Hajiyyat is an Arabic term (pl. of hajah) which translates into conveniences or complementary needs.

The last three decades have witnessed the modern rebirth of Islamic finance both in terms of literature and practice. Islamic banks and ...
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