Merit – Fincyclopedia
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Financial Law


In legal context, merit (in singular form) or merits (in plural form) may have multiple meanings.

  • Merit means a valid basis for a case or claim. For example, a legal action considered “without merit” is one that has no valid basis.
  • Merit may also denote the strict rights of the parties to a legal case/ lawsuit.
  • Merits are the substance of a legal dispute and not the technical grounds that may impact the outcome of a lawsuit.

A “judgment on the merits” is the final resolution issued for a particular dispute/ case.

A “defence upon the merits” (defence on the merits) is one that lays expectations on the justice of the cause, and not on technicalities only.

This section covers all terminology and concepts relating to law and regulation of the financial sector in an economy. This includes law ...
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