Gestation Repo – Fincyclopedia
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Gestation Repo

A reverse repurchase (repo) agreement by which a mortgage firm sells federally guaranteed mortgage-backed securities (MBSs) to a securities dealer and agrees to repurchase them at a prespecified price on a future date. This agreement covers the so-called gestation period (the time between the date an issuer files documents to the federal agency, e.g., GNMA, for the final pool approval and the date the new MBS is issued).

While the mortgage firm is accumulating the mortgage loans, and before the MBS is actually issued, this type of repo is often known as a “ gestation repo”. Once the security is issued, the agreement is typically referred to as a“ repo.” Most firms charge a higher interest rate for a gestation repo. Once the MBS is issued, the interest rate is reduced.

This type of repo is also known as a whole loan repo.

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