Risk Management – Page 6 – Fincyclopedia
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Credit Risk Mitigation

The process that is implemented to reduce the credit risk of an exposure (e.g., investment, instrument, contract, etc.) by using...

Risk Appetite

A qualitative measure of risk that reflects the maximum level of exposure to a risk factor that an investor (entity...

Horizon Premium

The yield differential (premium) between short-term and long-term investments/ instruments that arises only for time horizon considerations. It relates to...


An acronym for horizon risk premium; a risk premium (RP) that relates to a specific time horizon at the end...

Horizon Risk Premium

A risk premium (RP) that relates to a specific time horizon at the end of which an asset or instrument...

Tracking Error

A measure of the deviation of the returns of an asset/ portfolio/ fund from benchmark returns over a period of...

Tracking Risk

A measure of the deviation of the returns of an asset/ portfolio/ fund from benchmark returns over a period of...

Model Risk

The risk that arises due to an error in financial risk measurement and valuation models. Errors give rise to cases...

Specific Market Risk

A type of risk that arises from factors other than broad market movements/ volatility. This risk includes different risk factors...

Non-Diversifiable Risk

The risk that is inherent to the broader market. Non-diversifiable risk, also known as systematic risk, volatility risk, or market...