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The irrigation worker (مساقي) in a musaqa contract/ musaqat contract (tree irrigation contract) who supplies water to trees (specifically fruit-bearing…

Murabaha ‘Aksiya

Arabic (مرابحة عكسية) for reverse murabaha (cost-plus sale). It is an Islamic cash financing mechanism involving one party purchasing an asset…

Mixed Waqf

Mixed waqf (وقف مشترك) is a form of waqf (Islamic endowment) in which the assets (property) assigned as endowment are…


Literally, it refers to anything that is missing, unavailable, or nonexistent. Technically, it is used in conjunction with a contract…


Arabic (محاباة) for deference in a transaction. More specifically, it means a favor extended in an exchange-based transaction, either by…

Ijtihad Qiyasi

The process of coming up with a new ruling (hukm) for which there is presently no specific illah or effective…


Arabic (انتفاع) for utilization. In other words, it is the process of taking or extracting usufruct (manfa’ah) from something (asset,…


Arabic (إرصاد) for allocation of a public property for public use/ utility. This happens when government authorities earmark and allocate…

Ijarah Thumma Ba’i

An agreement that incorporates the sale of the leased asset (in an ijarah contract) at the end of the lease…

Ijarat Al-Zhimmah

Arabic (إجارة الذمة) for an ijarah which has a described usufruct (manfa’ah mawsufah fi zhimmah) as underlying. The lessor is…