A market player/ participant that ultimately issues sukuk to the market, usually on behalf of an originator. An Islamic financial...
A market player (such as an Islamic financial institution, IFI, or any other specialized entity) that creates the underlying asset...
A type of musharaka (partnership) that is established on the agreement that one partner will undertake to buy out the…
An ijarah in which an asset is leased for a long period of time in a way that ujrah (compensation)…
In a contract of kafalah (or kifalah), it is the party who provides assurances as to the performance of an…
In Arabic iflas (إفلاس). In general, it is a situation when a person runs short of funds. The bankrupt person…
A type of sale (ba’i), prevalent in pre-Islamic times, in which the object of sale was determined as the one…
Arabic (بيت المال) for public treasury; the place where the State of Islam (particularly, early Islam) kept its public wealth…
A type of sale (bay’) in which the object of sale is not available at the contracting session (majlis al-aqd)…
A type of contractual arrangement entailing that the parties share profits/ losses and/ or residual interest in the net assets...