Arabic (عقود التقييدات) for contracts (uqud- plural of aqd) that aim to prevent or restrict disposal or conduct in a...
Arabic (العقود التبعية) for accessory contracts/ documentation contracts. Under shari'ah (Islamic law), accessory contracts are contracts (uqud/ pl. of aqd)...
Arabic (العقود الأصلية) for principal contracts. Under shari'ah (Islamic law), principal contracts are contracts (uqud/ pl. of aqd) which exist...
A class of contracts to which shari’a neither assigned specific names nor handled in details their respective rules and stipulations....
A type of ijarah contract which has the usufruct of assets and properties (a'yan, pl. of ain) as underlying. In...
Arabic (علة) for the underlying cause or element (ratio legis) on which a new ruling is based by making parallel...
Arabic (عين) for a determinate property or asset that has a marketable or non-marketable material value that can be converted...
Arabic (بيع المصراة) for a manipulative transaction which involves the sale (ba'i) of a cow, she-goat, or ewe, with its...
An Islamic fiqh term (and a shari'ah maxim) that is associated with the process of sulh al-ibra' or discharge reconciliation....
Arabic (مقاصد الشريعة) for the higher purposes of Islamic shari'ah or simply for objectives of shari'ah. Maqasid al-shari'ah constitute the...