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Arabic (قياس) for one of the secondary sources of shari'a which involves likening a case for which there is an...

Islamic Commercial Paper

A commercial paper (CP) is a tradable certificate representing pecuniary rights whereby the issuer is under obligation to pay at...

Al-Waqf al-Ahli

A type of al-waqf (endowment) in which a person (waqf initiator/ donor) designates oneself or some specified individuals as the...


Arabic (تفليس) for judgment of bankruptcy (iflas) or declaration of bankruptcy by court. In shari’a parlance, it stands for interdiction...

Ba’i al-Mutajarah

Arabic (بيع المتاجرة) for a type of sale (ba’i) whereby an Islamic bank sells goods on credit to a customer....

Ba’i al-Musawama

An Arabic term (بيع المساومة) that denotes “bargaining sale”. It is a type of sale (ba’i) in which the seller...

Uqud al-Tabarruat

Arabic (عقود التبرعات) for noncommutative contracts or gratuitous contracts. These contracts (uqud- plural of aqd) are based on voluntary charitable...

Uqud al-Imtiaz

An Arabic term (عقود الامتياز) that denotes concession contracts; by definition, a contract of concession is an authorization whereby a...

Al-Qard al-Hasan

Arabic (القرض الحسن) for an interest-free loan (fungible, marketable wealth) that is extended by a lender to a borrower on...

Asl al-Qard

The face value of a qard (loan), i.e., its principal (or principal amount). For example, a $1,000 loan must be...