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Private Waqf

A type of waqf (specifically, incorporated waqf) whose proceeds are used to serve a specific group of individuals (beneficiaries) such...

Price Discount in Murabaha

If the seller in a murabaha transaction manages to obtain, as a purchaser, a discount on the object of sale…

Liability Recognition

In the context of Islamic financial accounting, a liability is recognized in the balance sheet (statement of financial position) when…

Low Balling

With respect to quoting audit fees by an auditor, it refers to the practice of quoting a low fee (usually…

Long-Term Ijarah

An ijarah in which an asset is leased for a long period of time in a way that ujrah (compensation) is…

Bay’ al-Ghayeb

A type of sale (bay’) in which the object of sale is not available at the contracting session (majlis al-aqd)…

Ba’i al-Murawadah

The sale (ba’i) of goods that have not been actually or constructively possessed by the seller. This involves the sale…

Ba’i Istijrar

In Islamic finance, it is a contract (of ba’i or bay’) whereby a supplier agrees to deliver a specific commodity/item…

Bay’ al-Musarrat

A manipulative transaction which involves the sale (bay’) of a cow, she-goat, or ewe, with its udder being tied up…

Bay’ and Salaf

A type of shari’a-incompatible sale (invalid sale or bay’ ghair sahih) that combines a normal sale with a condition (shart)…