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Aqd al-Muawadha

Arabic (عقد المعاوضة) for compensatory contract (commutative contract) whereby one party receives compensation/ consideration (iwadh) from another party in return…


A unilateral promise or undertaking which is associated with a financial transaction. ‘Ahd is a promise from one party (promisor)…

Asset Recognition

In the context of Islamic financial accounting, an asset is recognized in the balance sheet (statement of financial position) when…

Al-Rahn Ghayr al-Heyazi

From a shari’a perspective, it is permissible to leave a pledged asset/collateral, with respect to a credit transaction, in the…

Aleatory Transaction

A transaction that depends on occurrence of an uncertain event (s). The condition of occurrence is agreed on by the…

Accepted Bill

A bill of exchange which is drawn on or by a bank, payable at some preset future date, to securitize…

Aqd al-Tabarru

Arabic (عقد التبرع) for noncommutative contract or gratuitous contract. This type of contracts (aqd) is based on voluntary charitable actions/donations…

‘Ariyat al-Manafe’

An Arabic term (عارية المنافع) that translates as gratuitous loan of usufruct (iqradh al-manfa’ah– إقراض المنفعة). It arose from the…


Arabic (المسترسل) for a buyer who does not haggle over the price (i.e., takes the price for granted). In general,…

Awaridh al-Ahliyah

Impediments to legal competence. More specifically, awaridh (plural of aridhah) are all emerging shortcomings or deficiencies that deprive a competent…