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Another name for mudaraba (mudarabah/ mudharaba/ mudharabah); by definition, it is a partnership (sharakah) in profit whereby one party (rab...

Kafalat Al-Dayn

A type of guaranty (kafalah) that involves the credit enhancement of a liability. According to the Hanbali and Shafi’e schools…


An Arabized term that refers to the improvements a tenant (lessee) makes to a shop or plant from his own…


Literally, khulu is Arabic for vacancy or emptiness (as in a vacant or empty place). Technically, khulu is usually associated…

Khayar al-Naqd al-Islami

An Islamic finance treasury arrangement that an Islamic bank and a counterparty enter into for the purpose of foreign exchange…

Promissory Note

A type of commercial paper that constitutes a certificate whereby the issuer promises to pay a specific amount of money…

Participation Sukuk

A type of musharaka sukuk that represent certificates of equal value (sukuk) issued for the purpose of investing the funds…


A charge that an Islamic bank makes against earnings. In other words, it is a contra-asset that is created by…

Principal Contract

A contract (aqd) which exists by itself and is not subordinate or auxiliary to another contract (i.e., an accessory contract).…

Purchase Undertaking in Sukuk

An undertaking (binding promise– wa’ad mulzim) by either the issuer of sukuk or the manager of sukuk-financed project/assets to repurchase…