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Ba’i al-Isti’man

A case of sale (ba’i) in which the buyer doesn’t haggle over the price (i.e., takes it as a given).…

Reverse Sale and Buy-Back

A form of sale and buy-back (inah sale– بيع العينة) in which a commodity is sold for a spot price (thaman)…

Purchase Orderer

The party (in Arabic الآمر بالشراء) to a murabahah contract/ cost-plus sale (specifically murabahah to the purchase orderer) who approaches…

Physical Guaranty

A type of guaranty that involves securing a person’s physical presence at a specified place and time. It is established…

Profit and Loss Sharing Contract

In Arabic musharaka (مشاركة). It is a partnership mode of Islamic finance in which partners contribute equal or unequal ratios…

Paid Agency

An agency in which remuneration (ajr or iwadh) is explicitly stipulated and specified in the agency contract (aqd al-wakalah/ aqd…

Mutawalli al-Waqf

Arabic (متولي الوقف) for the administrator/manager/trustee/superintendent of waqf (Islamic endowment); the custodian of an endowment (waqf) who undertakes responsibility for management…

Mudaraba Sukuk

A subclass of musharaka sukuk. Mudaraba sukuk are, by definition, certificates that represent ownership in projects or activities managed on…


The party who seeks liquidity from entering into a tawarruq (Islamic monetization). In Arabic script, mustawriq (also mutawarriq) is written:…

Mudarabah Capital

The capital that is provided by rab al-mal in a mudarabah contract. Put another way, it is the amount of…