Arabic (متولي الوقف) for the administrator/manager/trustee/superintendent of waqf (Islamic endowment); the custodian of an endowment (waqf) who undertakes responsibility for management…
A subclass of musharaka sukuk. Mudaraba sukuk are, by definition, certificates that represent ownership in projects or activities managed on…
The party who seeks liquidity from entering into a tawarruq (Islamic monetization). In Arabic script, mustawriq (also mutawarriq) is written:…
The capital that is provided by rab al-mal in a mudarabah contract. Put another way, it is the amount of…
Another name for mudaraba (mudarabah/ mudharaba/ mudharabah); by definition, it is a partnership (sharakah) in profit whereby one party (rab...
Arabic (محاباة) for deference in a transaction. More specifically, it means a favor extended in an exchange-based transaction, either by…
An Arabic term (مخرج شرعي) for shari’ah-compliant alternatives or solutions or way-out to come around a prohibition or a deadlock…
In general, it refers to all sale transactions that are executed on a commercial basis (i.e., for the sake of…
According to the Hanbali school of thought (mazhab), monetization (or in Arabic “tawarruq“) is the process of purchasing a commodity…
Arabic (المبارأة, مبارأة) for mutual relief from obligations or commitments. It involves, in case of exit, one party or more...