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Khiyar al-Shart

A khiyar (option) that constitutes a condition stipulated in the contract. This option confers on the parties to the contract...

Khiyar al-Ruyah

A khiyar (option) whereby the buyer has the right either to consummate the contract of sale (aqd al-bai) or revoke it...


Arabic (خسارة) for loss (it is the opposite of ribh- ربح). In the context of selling (ba'i or bay'- البيع),...


An option or the right of choice which is given to either party (or both parties) or to a third...

Khiyar al-Radd bil Aib

Arabic (خيار الرد بالعيب) for an option (khiyar) to return an object of sale to the seller due to defect...