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Reverse Annuity Mortgage

A mortgage that involves a bank or lending institution extending a loan (usually, a long-term loan) for an amount equal...

Redeemable Preferred Stock

A preferred stock that is subject to callability/ redemption. This hybrid preferred stock may provide for the right of the...

Risk-Free Interest Rate

The interest rate that would exist on a riskless asset/ investment/ security, given that expected inflation is zero. Such a...


It stands for risk-free rate; the interest rate that would exist on a riskless asset/ investment/ security, given that expected...

Risk-Free Rate

The interest rate that would exist on a riskless asset/ investment/ security, given that expected inflation is zero. Such a...

Right of Termination

The right of the issuer to terminate certain certificates at fixed dates. The issuer also reserves the extraordinary right of...

Residential Mortgage-Backed Security

A debt security that pays out based on payments from a pool of individual residential mortgages. It is asset-backed security...


It stands for residential mortgage-backed security; a debt security that pays out based on payments from a pool of individual...

RF Asset

It stands for risk-free asset; an asset whose future performance is certain (in terms of a guaranteed return). A risk-free...

Risk-Free Asset

An asset whose future performance is certain (in terms of a guaranteed return). A risk-free asset (also, a riskless asset)...