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Prepayment Risk

A type of risk that is associated with loans and loan pools (pooled loans, such as mortgage pools) in the...

Pro-Rata Sinkable Bond

A type of sinking fund bonds (sinkable bonds or sinkers) in which an equal percentage of bonds are redeemed from…

Perpetual Preferred Stock

A preferred stock that has no redemption date. In other words, this fixed-rate equity instrument allows the holder no participation…

Pure Play Firm

A firm that has only one business line or product, and its value (or value of its stocks) solely depends…

Put Warrant

A warrant that a company writes on its own common stock, giving the buyer/holder the right to sell the company’s…

Property Dividend

A type of dividend (profit distribution) whereby a company distributes physical goods to its shareholders, instead of cash or securities.…

Pyramid Scheme

An investment fraud that involves the payment of purported returns to original “investors” (the scheme organizers) or early entrants from...


A security (a mortgage-backed security, MBS) that is created from pooling mortgages (mortgage loans, as underlying) and sells shares or...


It stands for pass-through security; a pass-through security (PT security), also a pay-through security, is a security issued out of...

Pay Through Security

A pay-through security (PT security), also a pass-through security, is a security issued out of a pool of fixed-income securities...