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Parent Bond

A bond to which slices or tranches of an issue belong. A fungible issue (sub-tranche) is a debt issue that...

Power Reverse Convertible

An equity structured product (and a reverse convertible) that provides an enhanced coupon. Coupon enhancement (yield enhancement) is typically done…

P2B Crowdlending

It stands for peer-to-business crowdlending (also person-to-business or people-to-business crowdlending); a form of crowdfuding/ crowdlending that involves the individuals (the…

Premium Leg of a CDO Tranche

The premium leg of a CDO tranche is the present value of the amount of principal (capital) that the protection...

Plain Vanilla Tranche

The simplest version of a tranche. That is, a tranche that has no extra features other than its basic form....


An abbrevaition for par equivalent CDS spread; a measure of the creditworthiness of a bond. It sets the bond’s Z-spread…

P2P Crowdlending

It stands for peer-to-peer crowdlending (also person-to-person or people-to-peole crowdlending); a form of crowdfuding/ crowdlending that involves the individuals (the…

Puttable RAN

A range accrual note (RAN) that has an embedded put option. It allows the holder (investor) to put the note…

Payment-In-Kind Security

A debt instrument (security) that gives the issuer the option to pay interest (coupon) either in cash (any form of…


An abbreviation for participating convertible preferred stock; a combination of a redeemable preferred stock with common stock. The resulting stock receives…