An interest payment (coupon) that covers a longer period than the other coupons on a bond. For example, in a...
A turbo certificate that aims to bet on price increases. The participation in the upward movement of the underlying will...
A type of factoring in which the factor only selects specific invoices for discounting, and remits to the seller (client)...
It is an acronym for London Interbank Offered Rate. It is an interbank rate which is used as a benchmark or...
An interest rate risk measure that captures sensitivity to changes in the interest rate yield curve (e.g. the LIBOR curve). It...
An inverse floater whose coupon moves inversely with respect to interest rates by more than one for one. The floater is equipped with a coupon leverage- i.e.,...
An amount of money that is lent by a person or an entity to others (including individuals, entities, etc.) The...
A structured note that guarantees capital (hence the name: capital protection note). This note (which is also known as a...
A market problem that arises due to information asymmetry between investors and entrepreneurs, leading to the break down of capital...