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Inverse Floater

A floater (floating-rate note) in which the coupon moves inversely to the movement of the reference rate. That is, if...

Inverse Floater Coupon

The interest payment (coupon) on an inverse floater; the floater offers a coupon that increases when interest rates fall and...

Inverse Floater CMO

A collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO) that is structured as inverse floater tranches. The CMO will earn interest at rates that...


It stands for inverse interest only; an interest only (IO) security that pays a coupon inversely related to market rates...

Inverse Interest Only

An interest only (IO) security that pays a coupon inversely related to market rates (i.e.,  it moves in the opposite...

Intramarket Sector Spread

The yield spread between two issues within a market sector. An example of the intramarket sector spread is the yield...

Intermarket Sector Spread

The yield spread between the yields offered in two sectors of the bond market with the same maturity. A prime...

Indexed CD

A certificate of deposit (CD) whose interest rate is tied to the performance of a market index, such the S&P500,...

Indexed Certificate of Deposit

A certificate of deposit (CD) whose interest rate is tied to the performance of a market index, such the S&P500,...

Index Participation Unit

An index-linked product that constitutes an interest in a basket of securities. It is designed to allow investors to trade...