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Formula Value

A component of the value of a warrant (warrant value) that is measured as the difference between its underlying share...

Fixed Rate Interest Only

An interest-only (IO) which the rate is fixed at a level lower than the actual interest payments on the underlying...

Fixed-Strip Interest Only

An interest-only (IO) which entitles its holder to receive a fixed coupon stripped off a collateral weighted average coupon (WAC)....

Fixed-to-Float Bond

A bond that pays a fixed amount of interest (coupon) for a specific period of time and then turns into...


It stands for fixed-coupon note; a note that provides the investor with fixed coupon payment over the course of its...

Fixed Coupon Note

A note that provides the investor with fixed coupon payment over the course of its life, typically ranging from two...

Fixed Strip IO

An interest-only (IO) which entitles its holder to receive a fixed coupon stripped off a collateral weighted average coupon (WAC)....

Fixed Rate IO

An interest-only (IO) which the rate is fixed at a level lower than the actual interest payments on the underlying...

Fixed-Income Security

From the perspective of an issuer, a fixed-income security is a financial obligation for payment of a specific amount of...

Franked Dividend

In Australia, it refers to a dividend on which a company has paid tax (on behalf of shareholders). Typically, recipients...