A variable rate note (floating rate note) that pays a floating coupon after a predetermined date; before this date the…
It stands for earnings before interest, depreciation and amortization. By definition, it is a measure of a firm's cash flow...
It stands for exchangeable variable rate note; a variable rate note (floating rate note) that pays a floating coupon after…
The risk that arises during periods of rising interest rates when borrowers tend to pay off their loans later than...
A financial security (stock, bond, etc) that is sold without the warrants that were attached thereto at the time of…
An abbreviation for equity-linked security; an equity-linked debt issue whose returns are keyed to the performance of a common stock…
An investment strategy that combines a short-term fixed income portfolio with an equity swap. The potential returns would exceed the…
A dividend that is paid for exceptional reasons and is unlikely to be paid again in the foreseen future, if…
A special type of convertible security that grants its holder the right to exchange the bond for shares of a…
A floating rate security in which the coupon can be changed in accordance with market conditions, allowing whereby to the...