A put option (put) that is not tradable- but rather is part of an instrument or structure, granting its holder...
A call option that is not tradable, but rather is part of an instrument or structure, granting its issuer a...
The upper tranche boundary that specifies, in addition to the lower tranche boundary (attachment point), a collateralized debt obligation tranche...
A crowdfunding which involves investing in an early-stage unlisted company in return for equity, i.e., shares in that company. Investors-cum-shareholders…
In relation to tranches of collateralized debt obligations (CMOs) and similar structures, it denotes the amount of interest defined by...
It stands for event risk covenant; a bond provision that requires that the bond is turned in, or redeemed, at…
A replacement for collateralized securities that is identical in terms of type, nominal value, description and amount to the ones…
A bond that pays a rate of interest higher than an otherwise identical fixed-rate, bullet maturity bond, with the issuer…
It refers to shares bought in a private company that do not entitle their holders to current scrip issues. In…
A warrant whose ultimate payoff or redemption value is likely to be determined based on the results of an election.…